Prudential Cleanroom Services Opens Hillsboro, Oregon Cleanroom Laundry Processing Facility
IRVINE, CA – May 20, 2020
Prudential Cleanroom Services, a world leader in cleanroom laundry service systems, today announced the opening of its Hillsboro, Oregon Cleanroom Laundry Processing Facility.
Prudential’s CEO, John Clark comments, “Our team is excited to show our customers and prospective customers our newest facility in Hillsboro, Oregon. The site employs eighty-seven (87) full time employees. This location provides our Northwest customers with additional products and service offerings, and will help with our Company’s expansion into additional markets.”
Prudential moved into its new purchased location from a nearby leased building that no longer satisfied Prudential’s growth requirements.
The new state of the art Cleanroom Laundry Processing Plant is a 73,200 square-foot commercial laundry facility located at 6020 NE Century Blvd., Hillsboro, OR. The Plant sits on a 4 plus acre tract. The project converted an existing warehouse building into a cleanroom laundry processing facility that includes offices, industrial space, employee areas, loading docks, and 80 plus parking spaces on site for staff. The Plant is the Company’s largest cleanroom laundry processing facility.
About Prudential Cleanroom Services
Prudential Cleanroom Services is a division of Prudential Overall Supply, established 1932. Since 1960, Prudential Cleanroom Services is recognized as a world leader in cleanroom laundry processing services. Prudential’s network of ISO 9001: 2015 certified ISO Class 3 cleanroom laundry processing facilities extend services throughout North America and Puerto Rico.
Release date: 05/20/2020
Contact: Jerry Martin, V.P. of Sales & Marketing (949) 996-8976
By: Jerry Martin, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Prudential Overall Supply