5 Tips for a Great First Day on the Job
Getting a new job is exciting, but it can also be intimidating. As your first day approaches, you will find yourself looking for ways to make the best impression and get your new job off to a great start. These 5 tips will help you make the most of your first day on the job.
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Your Wardrobe
Unless your new employer has provided you with a specific uniform, you may find yourself wondering what the atmosphere is at your new job and what to wear. You don’t want to dress inappropriately. If there’s no uniform, your best bet is to choose a business casual look, such as slacks with a button-down blouse or polo shirt and flat shoes. After your first day, you’ll be more aware of what your job entails and can choose whether a skirt or heels is appropriate.
Be Prepared for Training
With a new job, you have much to learn. The first day is a day of immersion, and you need to be prepared. Carry a notebook and pen so that you can jot down notes, computer logins, and even step-by-step instructions for your tasks. Have your cell phone set on vibrate and a charger in your bag. Ask questions as they come up so that you will be able to efficiently perform your tasks and succeed at your new job.
Being on Time
Being late for your first day is a terrible way to get started. Make sure that you have a few different alarms set. Don’t wait until morning to lay out your clothing, pack your lunch, and get your supplies together. Prepare the night before and, when you wake up, don’t hit the snooze button! Leave ample time to get to work, accounting for traffic or your favorite coffee stop. Arrive no less than 15 minutes before you are supposed to be there.
Your Electronics
In some cases, you may need to take a tablet or laptop to work with you. Be sure that your electronic equipment works well and that you have chargers on hand so as not to impede your work.
Your Team
While you may be nervous, it is important to keep a smile on your face and be friendly with your new co-workers. You will be bombarded with names and may find that you have trouble remembering who’s who.
Take advantage of your notebook and jot down the name and something that will help you remember the person, such as hair color, great smile, or even huge engagement ring. Whatever you will associate with that person will help you remember their name in the future.
Prudential Overall Supply has been around since 1932 to help you make the most of every workday. Our LinkedIn Page is designed to help you find great job tips, job leads, and ideas that will help you succeed. Come check us out today!