
Cleanroom Services in Boise, ID


Boise Cleanroom Service Center

517 W McGregor Court
Boise, ID 83705

Phone:(503) 278-4420

Fax:(503) 466-1342

Hours:M-F 8am-5pm

Rafael SanchezGeneral Manager
Location image
Boise Location

General Info

Getting There

CV Analysis Rating: 4.35


About this information The CV score is measured through the Company’s Customer Visitation (CV) process. The CV occurs with a face to face meeting with each reviewed customer. The CV rates each customer service touch-point (6 touch points).

The HMS survey program is an outreach to all Prudential Overall Supply customers that we are able to contact during the call period for the specific market center. The survey has six questions:

Q1 - On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate the service provided to your company by Prudential Overall Supply?

Q2 - On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate the overall quality and products of Prudential Overall Supply?

Q3 - On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate the overall ease of our billing system?

Q4 - If there was one thing we could do better what would it be?

Q5 - Are there any immediate concerns that need our attention?

Q6 - On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your overall satisfaction with Prudential Overall Supply?


Welcome to Prudential Cleanroom Services in Boise, ID

Looking for cleanroom services near Boise, ID? Prudential can help. In addition to state-of-the-art cleanroom garment processing, our Boise cleanroom services facility, located in Boise, ID, provides high-quality cleanroom apparel and cleanroom supplies for rent and purchase. Whatever business you’re in—aerospace, bio-medical, pharmaceutical—our trained staff can inspect, clean, dry, and package your garments in a sterile environment.

About Our Boise, ID Cleanroom Facility

We are dedicated to critical environments.

Since 1960, Prudential Cleanroom Services (PCS) has provided state-of-the-art cleanroom apparel services to businesses throughout the country. Our Boise, ID center is one of many PCS facilities dedicated to serving professionals in critical industries, including bio-science, healthcare, pharmaceutical, and aerospace.

From humble beginnings, Prudential has developed into an internationally recognized source of uniform rental and cleanroom apparel services. A diverse set of businesses that operate in aseptic, particulate, and ESD controlled environments now rely on Prudential for their cleanroom garment processing needs.

AAll Prudential Cleanroom Services Garment Processing Facilities, including our Boise, ID cleanroom services facility, are validated for sterile garment processing and are ISO 9001:2015 certified for all its operating units (Cleanroom and Industrial), distribution center and its corporate services locations through TUV SUD America, Inc.

Over the years, Prudential has provided uniform rentals and apparel services to more than 30,000 customers and up to 110 Fortune 500 companies. Roughly 1,600 of those customers have used Prudential Overall Supply services for more than 25 years. With 36 national locations and counting, including our cleanroom services facility in Boise, ID, and over 2,100 highly trained and tenured employees, we are committed to the future of apparel services.

Prudential is proud to provide cleanroom laundry and apparel service programs to customers in the Boise area. PCS remains committed to satisfying our customers’ evolving needs.

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Areas Serviced at our Boise, ID facility
  • Boise, ID

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