IRVINE, CA – November 17, 2021
Prudential Overall Supply, a leading company in the reusable textile industry, proudly announced that it is honoring its customer pricing commitments despite today’s extraordinary inflation pressure.
Prudential’s President Chris Welch comments, “As current supply chains are strained and both labor and inventories are limited, our Company is faced with pricing pressure across the board. Though some competitors in our industry surrender to these inflationary pressures by arbitrarily raising prices, Prudential has chosen to hold firm on the pricing commitments we have made to our customers.”
Mr. Welch continues, “The price guarantee, given by our Chairman Dan Clark, is not taken lightly by our Company and we intend to honor this commitment. We believe keeping our word today will resonate with our existing and prospective customers when they consider who they want to partner their business with in the future.”
Check out our various price integrity practices that guarantee our prices won't be affected by market changes:

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About Prudential Overall Supply / Prudential Cleanroom Services
Family owned and operated since 1932, Prudential Overall Supply is dedicated to enhancing our customers’ image at the best dollar value. By providing premium quality work wear and safety uniforms, career apparel and casual wear and cleanroom services, Prudential can outfit entire organizations. This certified Clean Green, on-time, weekly service also addresses facility image and safety requirements by offering floor mats, wiping towels and facility products throughout the United States.
Release date: 11/17/2021
Contact: Jerry Martin, V.P. of Sales & Marketing (949) 996-8976
By: Jerry Martin, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Prudential Overall Supply